vivilee's Diaryland Diary


The powers that be

Today I visualised a very strong shield. The shield is stronger than any steel, forcefield or titanium. It is capable of bouncing off any kind of negativity. It is so strong psychically, that I am invincible to any kind of intentional evil verbage, argument or put-down.

My shield is around me all the time. Even when I sleep and if I wish I can make it even stronger.

Today while on the bus going to work, my shield actually made a few people stand further away from me. Some boys with big school bags could feel my shield because they would turn around sharply as if they had been hit.

Now that I have a protective shield I must now wield extreme powers of concentration and attention. This ability to focus on my tasks at hand will enable me to catch mistakes before they occur. It will make me notice the smallest details. It will help me work faster and more efficiently. I will only produce good quality products.

God help me with this power. I wish to have the ability to pay attention to every detail and to concentrate and finish my tasks without mistakes.

That's the power that I need for this job. I really really need that power. I ask for that power.

10:28 p.m. - 2002-10-28


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