vivilee's Diaryland Diary



Funny, I should be really tired but I feel energetic and alert. It's as if I'm on speed or something.

The contact is going well...I now keep a seperate weblog of my progress on the contract. The 3d images of the Flash casino redesign are looking really nice. I hope they appreciate all my hard work.

Studio303 Weblog

I will be acquiring my own domain very soon. I have 2 other domains, and I suppose I will take advantage of those domains along with my favorite

I think I will make womenin3d a portal information website for women who design in 3d. Xeladon will be another project perhaps for selling some kind of merchandise like my own brand of accessories or a webcam website.

I want to have a lot of fun while making a lot of money and I know of several ways to accomplish all that I wish to do all with my computer.

Ivan helps make my computer my salvation.

5:03 a.m. - 2003-06-16


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